Thursday, October 27, 2011

So I have started this new set of listing JUST for the holiday season. Based on my fascination with collections. I thought I would throw a couple together and share them with the world.

These would make a great gift for the ladies in your life that love that shabby chic style! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TAG Treasury Team: TAGT Featured Shop of the Week!

The team I am part of has started a new feature on their blog. Each week, the featured shop that we highlight in our treasuries, will now also have a lovely interview posted. Check out this weeks post. Miss Nancy and her lovely animals and her gorgeous shop!

TAG Treasury Team: TAGT Featured Shop of the Week!: There's never a dull moment on the TAGT Team! We're constantly doing new and exciting projects and the most recent one we launched in mid-Ju...