Requesting coupon books is one of my favorite ways to get coupons. They always have the high value ones that we want and so rarely see. Sometimes you get them with the free samples. sometimes they come in the form of a calender, sometimes they are just a booklet of lovliness. Here are some links to some new ones that are available.
Go here for the Betty Crocker booklet. There is a place at the top to check your email to see if you are elligable. I was and I was excited, because I already receive one of their newsletters. They just ask you to sign up for another. Looking forward to these savings!
Here is one for Mambo Sprouts. Coupons for Natural & Organic Items - Go HERE to sign up. This is only sent 3 times a year and the next time will be Feb 2010, so make sure you sign up now. Their site said they also send out a newsletter & occasionally product samples as well.
Thanks for the links! :)